Exceptional, J.D. Power-Certified 24/7 Technical Support

Worry-Free Support

Our J.D. Power-Certified expert IT support is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

Excellent customer support from your cloud IT provider is a business enabler. It allows you to focus on growing your business, which is the reason you’re looking to move to the cloud in the first place. With Intermedia you’re never alone. Our Cloud Concierge™ team is here for you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Highly qualified support specialists

Support team members are Microsoft and Cisco certified with specialties in certain product-specific areas (SSVVP & SSCA, Sonic Wall, etc.). And all support staff are required to participate in continuing education programs throughout the year.

All-hours availability

For customers in regulated businesses, Intermedia facilitates compliance with FINRA, SEC, SOX, and many other regulations.

Management is committed to excellence

Sometimes you might want to talk to a manager, whether to give glowing feedback on an outstanding technician or report a problem with your case. Either way, you can request a manager callback at any time.

Service that’s measured around quality resolutions

We don’t pressure our team members on call length. All of their key metrics are related to resolving your case on the first call and your satisfaction.

No ‘critical issues’ standard

Unlike other providers, we don’t enforce a threshold for phone support. Admins can call us for help with any issue.

No lock-in to a single person

Your account history is available to the entire support team. Each of us has the context to solve your problems.

Commitment to quality

We don’t pressure team members on call length. All our key metrics are related to first-call resolution and customer satisfaction.

Obsession with satisfaction

We’ll survey your satisfaction after every call. And we’ll contact you every six months to ask how we can better meet your needs.

The right technology to speed resolution

Our experts combine brains with brawn— such as screen-sharing tools, connectivity tests for assessing quality of service issues, and even custom-built services that let us configure your computer (so you don’t have to).

Senior technicians are available

If you have a highly technical challenge, feel free to request a Level 2 support technician.

Going beyond individual cases

You can request a 90-day review of all your support cases. This helps you spot trends and recurring issues and allows us to solve any problems that are causing regular headaches.

Intermedia has consistently shown supreme customer and technical service over the five years that we've been using its services and infrastructure.

Primus Pharmaceuticals Anthony Rodriguez
IT Manager, Primus Pharmaceuticals

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